Hello all, I am here once again to try and keep this blog alive. Let's hope that it will revive when all those people who went/are going overseas come back with pictures of their experiences. As this is the peak season for air travel and so many of you are flying out, here are some videos for you. They demonstrate the power of the things that take you out and back safely as well as the skill of the team up front flying the jets. You will see how much power a 747 packs in its engines, planes landing safely in strong winds gusting across the runway and how safe you will be even if your fully loaded plane has to brake hard due to an emergency. So all those going out, have a great flight and enjoy yourselves. Trust those up front flying, they are really qualified to be there.
Yong Lin SQ888
spoke at : 5:32 AM
a bunch of crazy,funky hwachong students who went to girton college cambridge and had 2 weeks of pure fun!